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End of Life Notification for Definition AS: Is It Really the End For Your Equipment?

Apr 24, 2020 | Articles, Siemens

Siemens sends its customers letters notifying them that specific models of Computed Tomography (CT) equipment are nearing their “end of life” (EOL). For example, hospitals that own a Definition DS or Definition Flash may have received EOL letters for those machines. Some of you reading this may have even received an EOL letter for Definition AS. But do these letters really mean that the machines are obsolete and need to be replaced?

Not necessarily. These letters simply mean that Siemens will no longer service these CT machines after a certain specified date.

Comparing the Options: The Cost Savings of Servicing Medical Imaging Equipment In-House

When you receive an end of life letter from Siemens, there are a few options to consider. For one, you could buy a new CT machine per Siemens’ recommendation. That new machine will cost you in the range of $1M.

Or, you could service your current CT machine in-house. The aftermarket availability of Definition AS parts is currently very stable, meaning it is completely possible to service your machine in-house and get many more years of use from it.

Servicing your CT machine in-house can save a lot of money compared to a new machine. Yes, you’ll be putting more money into your machine beyond the purchase price, but you’ll be getting many more years out of it. Long-term, this is a substantial cost-savings for your department and hospital.

How In-House Service and DirectMed Imaging Work Together

If you aren’t set up to service your CT equipment in-house, you can rely on DirectMed Imaging to help your team with training. Every day, we help imaging engineers understand what parts they need and what steps to take to keep their machines running smoothly.

Establishing an in-house team to service your Definition AS machine is possible, and DirectMed Imaging is here to help you through the process.

  • If your in-house team is already trained on service and relies on DirectMed Imaging for quality parts and technical support, you’re good to go! Contact us when you need any parts or have questions about the behavior of your Definition AS machine.
  • If you don’t currently have staff trained on servicing your Definition AS machine, contact DirectMed Imaging, and enroll your staff in service training. We have both online and in-person programs available.
  • 4-6 months before the end of a service contract with the OEM, consider training at DirectMed Imaging for keeping service in-house.
  • Or, request a service and parts contract from DirectMed Imaging. Leaving the OEM doesn’t mean there’s a risk. A properly designed and executed service program will maintain reliability.

Between the high availability of parts, training resources, and technical support from DirectMed Imaging, hospitals with in-house service capabilities can confidently keep their CT machines running for many years to come.

Knowing When an Upgrade is Necessary

When all the legacy parts for a particular machine are used up and no longer available, it’s inevitable to purchase new equipment then. When it is no longer possible to service the machine on your own, then it is truly at its “end of life.”

The good news is that DirectMed Imaging can advise on where your particular CT machine is on the EOL timeline. We understand the overall availability of parts throughout the market and can assess how near or far true EOL is for a particular machine based on parts availability.

A Macro-Focus on Machines Versus a Micro-Focus on Parts

OEMs like Siemens are focused on innovation in technology. They are constantly working on complete imaging machines that represent the most advanced capabilities. When there’s an issue with a particular part on a machine, and you contact the OEM, they will often look to the specific parts manufacturer for a solution, which can take time and might not provide immediate results. OEMs are not necessarily set up to service and quality control those individual parts themselves.

Conversely, DirectMed Imaging has a micro-focus on individual parts. We’re constantly testing parts on our in-house staging equipment to ensure high-quality parts are delivered to our customers with a low DOA rate. We have a robust inventory system to make sure that whatever parts our customers order are the parts that they receive. Even the packing materials we use have a much higher focus on quality than OEMs might have because their focus isn’t on the shipment of individual parts. Their focus is on the shipment of complete machines.

Not the End, But a Reminder

While receiving an EOL letter from Siemens does not mean that your Definition AS machine needs to be replaced, it does act as a reminder to make sure you’re up-to-date on preventive maintenance. Keeping up on maintenance will help ensure that all parts are functioning properly and let you know where attention might be needed.

An EOL letter can also act as a reminder that DirectMed Imaging is here to help you maintain the highest quality of your Definition AS machine for as long as possible, through quality parts, training, and technical support.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you keep service in-house and extend the life of your Definition AS machine and more.

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